Guided hikes in the Alps


As a certified hiking guide, I have 15 years of experience in leading hikes and trekkings all over the world. For the tour operator Hauser Excursions I led several tours on Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro (5895 m, Tanzania), on Mount Ararat (5137 m, Turkey), on Stok Kangri (6070 m, Indian Himalaya) and on various volcanoes in Java , Bali, Lombok and Flores (Indonesia). I also accompanied groups in the Sahara, West Africa, Papua New Guinea, Nepal, the Peruvian Andes and across the Alps. I am happy to accompany small groups, individuals or colleagues as part of a company outing on hikes in the Bavarian or Austrian Alps – whether on a long summit tour or on simple hikes with overnight stays in a hut or hotel. My little son Nelion has been involved in many mountain tours since he was born in 2019, so I also offer family hikes. Daily rate: 300 euros for up to 5 people

Astrid Därr
Astrid Därr

Als freie Reisejournalistin, Reiseleiterin und Abenteurerin bin ich mehrere Monate im Jahr in der ganzen Welt unterwegs.


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